General Giving

Your Gift, Her Encounter, Their Lives

Athens Pregnancy Center serves women and men who are experiencing unplanned pregnancy. APC has been serving men and women who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies for 36 years. Your generous gift enables us to continue serving her with excellence.

Our mission is to be a lifeline for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies by offering emotional, spiritual, social, medical and physical support while advocating for life. We provide resources regarding pregnancy options, healthy pregnancy and childbirth, parent education and post-abortion care.

Your gift enables us to serve the men and women of our community and fulfill their immediate needs through education, medical services, social services and community referrals. Through your giving, we are able to provide services for families to receive training that enables them to raise their children in happy, healthy homes. Families are changed for generations to come, and our community is transformed through your generosity.